ManageHub Accelerator Session Two
So far you should have:
Created your company's Business Model Map (BMM).
Created your company's private ManageHub Software account.
Used your Business Model Map to customized your company's ManageHub account with the departments, processes, and people.
Now, you will use ManageHub to start creating your company's LIVING operating manual. It's "living" because you will use ManageHub to continually improve each process until they are performed with lean, efficient, low-cost excellence.
Your assignment is to:
Watch the Session Two videos.
Write up to five Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) related to your five highest priority processes.
Populate up to five of your ManageHub Process workspaces with their related SOPs, and any issues, ideas, or projects associated with the process on your Business Model Map.
Standard Operating Procedure Worksheets:
ASSIGNMENT: Start writing one step-by-step Standard Operating Procedure for every key process on your Business Model Map
Time Commitment: Approximately 2-3 hours per process. It really depends on the complexity of the process being standardized. What matters is that the step-by-step procedure that you write be so detailed and clearly written that in an emergency someone new can perform the process without support. This will help your business achieve incredible flexibility, resilience, and sustainability.
Due Date: Your first set of completed SOPs and ManageHub Process Workspaces are due prior to Session Three. This means that up to five process workspaces are fully populated with the Header section updated with a brief description. Be sure to click on the tabbed sections and upload the related standard operating procedure, report any issues or improvement ideas, and create projects if needed.
Description: Once your Business Model Map is complete, and your company's private ManageHub account is setup, your next step is to start writing one step-by-step Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for every process listed on your Business Model Map.
Instructions: Start by selecting up to 5 processes from your Business Model Map. Choose processes that you want to delegate to free your time, or are in need of serious improvement. It is best to start with processes that you feel will be the easiest to standardize or whose improvement will result in significant cost savings.
Write one step-by-step operating procedure for each selected process. Then upload the SOP to their respective ManageHub process workspaces, When complete, select the second group of five processes to standardize. Repeat this cycle until all key processes are standardized and improved.
We know.... Writing operating procedures can be time-consuming and frustrating. However, there is no easier alternative. If there was, we would suggest it. Every successful company has written SOPs for their processes, and so must you!
The following is HTML code that you can use to recreate the Process Management Worksheet within ManageHub.
INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and Paste the Following Code Into a ManageHub Knowledge Article, as Described in the Info-Graphic at the bottom of the page, to Recreate a PMW Template within ManageHub:
1. Create a new Knowledgebase Article by clicking on the Knowledge Icon on your home screen.
2. Name your new article "Process Management Worksheet Template."
3. Associate your new article with your Company-Level Department so that everyone will have access to it.
4. You do not need to complete any of the other Header options because you are using this Article as a template.
5. Scroll down to the text editor and click on the SOURCE button.
6. Copy and Paste the following HTML Code (only the red text) into the text editor.
7. Click the SOURCE button again and view your new form.
8. Click the SAVE button.
9. Click the articles DUPLICATE icon anytime you want to use the template. Rename the duplicated copy and associate with the relevant department and process workspaces. Complete the process description.
<table border="”””1?””" cellpadding="”””0?””" cellspacing="”””0?””" style="”””width:600px”””">
<td colspan="”””2?””">
<p><span style="color:#B22222"><strong>Standardization Checklist</strong></span></p>
<p><strong>How is the process systematized? (Software? Checklists? Lot Sheets?)</strong></p>
<p>Use this column to enter answers to the checklist questions.</p>
<p><strong>Do you have step-by-step procedures? (Written, Video or both)</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Are your procedures good enough to support independent learning?</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Are you supporting cross-training or job-sharing?</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Is your process a current or potential bottleneck?</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Are all the members of your team actively helping document and improve the process?</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<table border="”””1?””" cellpadding="”””0?””" cellspacing="”””0?””" style="”””width:600px”””">
<td colspan="”””2?””">
<p><span style="color:#B22222"><strong>SOP Header</strong></span></p>
<p>Use this column to enter the SOP Header information.</p>
<p><strong>Related Materials/Resources:</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Exception Handling:</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Approved By/Date:</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color:#B22222"><strong>Step-by-Step Instructions:</strong></span></p>
<p><em>The instruction-set should be so detailed and precise, that, in an emergency, a trainee can perform the procedure without direct support.</em><em> If needed, the step(s) should alert the reader to common problems and ways to avoid them.</em></p>
<p><strong>Step #1:</strong></p>