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ManageHub Accelerator Session Three


Now, let's accelerate even faster by adding in your strategies!




So far you should have:


  1. Created your company's Business Model Map (BMM).

  2. Created your company's private ManageHub Software account.

  3. Used your Business Model Map to customized your company's ManageHub account with the departments, processes, and people.

  4. Written up to five Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) related to your five highest priority processes.

  5. Populated up to five of your ManageHub Process workspaces with their related SOPs, and any issues, ideas, or projects associated with the process on your Business Model Map.

  6. Now, in Session #3 you should complete your ManageHub Strategy Scorecard, as described in the on-demand videos provided below.  (Prior to watching the videos, please scroll down to the bottom of the page to download and print a copy of the scorecard template.)


Strategy Scorecard Worksheets:





ASSIGNMENT: Prepare Your Organizations Strategy Scorecard AND Continue Writing SOPs


  1. Watch each session video and create your company's Strategy Scorecard.

  2. Write up to five additional Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) related to your five highest priority processes.

  3. Populate up to five additional ManageHub Process workspaces with their related SOPs, and any issues, ideas, or projects associated with the process on your Business Model Map.  Continuing to write SOPs and populating their related ManageHub Process workspaces. With 10 key processes documented in ManageHub, your company's LIVING operating manual should start to take shape.

    Keep in mind, writing SOPs and populating your ManageHub account can take six or more months to complete, but it is essential to creating a highly organized, innovative, sustainable, scalable, and highly valuable business.




Because, at this early stage, documenting and improving your key processes is likely one of your most vital strategic objectives.

Writing step-by-step operating procedures is a prerequisite to creating a highly sustainable, scalable, and salable business. It is a prerequisite to engaging your team in a valuable, employee-powered continuous improvement (innovation) cycle.  We will focus on this concept in Session #4. 


If you will not find the time to write your SOPs and start building a solid business foundation that is prepared to grow, when will you?

Forgive the pep-talk, especially if you are actively writing your SOPs and uploading them, along with their related issues, ideas, and projects, into their respective ManageHub Process workspaces.  However, too often, leaders have the right intentions to focus on accelerating their businesses, but they do not have the necessary follow-through.


If you need assistance, I encourage you to engage your ManageHub Coach. They will help you stay focused. They will help you engage your team's participation. They will hold you accountable for achieving measurable results. Don't miss this opportunity to build a GREAT and valuable company.


Time Commitment: Approximately 2-3 hours to create your organization's Strategy Scorecard and an additional 2-3 hours per process.


Due Date: Your Strategy Scorecard is due prior to starting Session Four.  Writing SOPs and populating your ManageHub Process Workspaces is an ongoing commitment.


Description: Creating a "Living" Strategic Plan requires gathering and tracking key information so that you can make better decisions.


Instructions: Start by completing your Strategy Scorecard.  Then selecting up to 5 additional processes from your Business Model Map. Choose processes that you want to delegate to free your time, or are in need of serious improvement. It is best to start with processes that you feel will be the easiest to standardize or whose improvement will result in significant cost savings.


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