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ManageHub Bootcamp

A proven solution for advisors who want an alternative to expensive or restrictive franchise systems

Become a ManageHub Pro!

The ManageHub Strategy is a turnkey business coaching system for independent-minded advisors.

ManageHub is a valuable alternative to expensive and restrictive management coaching solutions and franchise systems.


ManageHub is much more than a "business operating system."  Instead, it is an employee-powered Performance Management System that engages all levels of your client's organization from their leadership team down to their frontline employees. It is a turnkey solution that you can use to multiply your impact and take your practice to its next level of success.

Best of all, the ManageHub Strategy is proven and credible. It is based on the United States Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework, the worldwide gold-standard of management excellence.  Accordingly, as your clients make progress they can pursue prestigious Baldrige-based awards.

Team Brainstorm

​How do I get started?


To start, watch the FREE 3-part "Management Planning" advisor training videos:

If you like ManageHub's approach use the "Triage Checklist" and "Roadmap to Excellence Worksheet" (provided with the 3-part advisor training videos) to identify clients who want your services and support.


Once you have engaged your client, refer them to join the ManageHub Bootcamp at $95 per month. They will receive access to the on-demand library of training videos, a license to use ManageHub's customizable tools, and access to online Zoom Q&A sessions.

Then, use the step-by-step deployment approach outlined in the ManageHub Strategy book and the on-demand video Bootcamp workshops to help coach, consultant, or advise your clients.

What is the business model?

You can charge your clients your firm's current coaching, consulting, and/or advisory fees. (Typically fees range from about $2,000 to $6,000 per month.)

The length of your engagements varies with your client's size, complexity, and unique circumstances. However, you will likely work with your clients for one or more years because the value you provide often evolves beyond business optimization and turnaround.


You do not share any of your fees with ManageHub.

If you would like to learn the ManageHub Strategy approach and receive support, you can join the ManageHub Bootcamp, and access the on-demand video library, tools, and online Zoom Q&A sessions. The cost is the same $95 per month your clients pay.

As you become proficient in using the ManageHub Strategy with your clients, you can request to become part of the ManageHub Pro client-referral program.

How can my clients benefit?


Here are examples of results we helped leaders and their teams achieve:

  • 98% Customer Satisfaction

  • 100% Employee Engagement

  • 55% Increase in Productivity

  • Growth from 3 to 8 locations

  • Employee Growth from 20 to 200+

  • 15x Increase in Sales

  • 100% Strategies Implemented

  • 44% Increase in Clients Served

  • $250,000+ Annual Savings From Optimizing One Process

  • 37% Increase in A/R – Cash Collections

  • Grew from 3 to 7 Locations

  • 11x EBITDA Exit

  • 18x EBITDA Exit

How do these impacts compare with your current results?

Brainstorming Session
Business Consultation

Who is this for?


Any successful consultant, coach, or advisor who meets the following requirements:

  1. Is currently implementing a nationally recognized coaching system or franchise that focuses on leadership development, team building, strategy, and/or organizational excellence

  2. Has an established and active practice of current and former clients

  3. Wants to offer complementary services that enhance and leverage (but does not "break") their current service-offerings

How will offering the ManageHub Strategy help maximize my firm's revenues?

Offering ManageHub services helps you:

  • Reengage former or graduated clients

  • Extend the lifetime value of your current clients (for example, it helps turn $60k into120k)

  • Increase your sales close rate by offering prospective new clients multiple service-options

  • Minimize the risk of losing a current client to a competing consultant hired to fill a perceived or actual service-gap

  • Offer new services to clients that already know, like, and trust you

  • Differentiate your practice from the hundreds of other consultants who sell similar services

Image by Chris Montgomery
Virtual Team Meeting

How does the ManageHub Strategy complement the services I already offer?

Offering ManageHub services helps you:

  • Avoid travel, and maximize the value of your time because the ManageHub approach is designed for remote, and online support, instead of in-person meetings.

  • Enhance your client's confidence by offering services tied to LEAN and the United States Baldrige Performance Excellence standards

  • The ManageHub Strategy is executive-directed but employee-driven. It is a bottom-up approach that complements the top-down methods you currently employ

  • Support your client's CEO, COO, (or Integrator) by creating a LEAN-Team of frontline employees who help manage all aspects of the ManageHub Strategy and are trained as future leaders

  • Focus on employee engagement, driving value to all levels of your client's organization including their frontline employees

  • Multiply the impact of your client's Core Values by translating them into 10 culture-building behaviors that align leaders, managers, and employees to a single standard of excellence

  • Perform a valuable cross-functional gap analysis that helps you establish strong and unshakable working relationships with your client's high-potential managers and frontline employees

  • Focus on process systematization, standardization, and continuous improvement to achieve operational efficiency, cost savings, and eliminate waste

  • Introduce 15-minute daily operational standups to create alignment, accountability, and transparency

  • Introduce 30-minute weekly cross-functional, and strategy-focused "Accountability Meetings" to encourage collaboration and recognize individual and team contributors

  • Introduce meeting rules that support short, efficient, effective, and positive meetings

  • Shorten meetings by training employees to resolve issues outside of general meetings

  • Introduce employee coaching and learning plans to mentor all employees to high-performance

  • Integrate employee recognition to further motivate high-potential employees to high-performance

  • Improve decision making by introducing a decision-matrix that aligns your client's leaders, managers, and employees to the organization's mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities

  • Expand KPI tracking to six dimensions: leadership strategy, customer, employees, operations, and results

  • Enhance reporting, measurement, and visibility at all levels of the organization from the Executive Suite to the frontlines

  • Measure progress using ManageHub's Baldrige-based Success Score self-assessment tool

What is the "Pros" time commitment?

  • Your time commitment is self-limiting because an organization only has so much time to commit to organizational excellence

  • Furthermore, the "Bootcamp" provides a library of on-demand videos that provides your clients with step-by-step instructions on how to use the ManageHub Strategy's Baldrige-based methods and tools

  • Your time commitment is likely equivalent to the other services you currently offer, however, instead of spending full and/or half-day sessions, your time is spread out into short, more frequent meetings. This provides the benefit of an ongoing "always-on" relationship that is actively and visibly driving value. (These short sessions can flow around existing full-day sessions)

  • Initially, your time is spent helping complete "Bootcamp" assignments:

    • Wishlist Workbook review

    • Business Model Map review/preparation

    • Management Systems Checklist review

    • Establishing the use of the Business Case Worksheet to build consensus for pursuing the best stratyegies

    • Customizing the Accountability Meeting Worksheet for the weekly cross-functional strategy meetings and the daily operational standups

    • Customizing the Employee Performance Coaching Worksheet (usually deferred until later)

    • ...and more

  • Once the initial deployment is complete the majority of the "Pros" time is spent:

    • Monitoring or running the weekly cross-functional strategy meetings and daily operational standups

    • Monitoring, coaching client's LEAN-Team

    • Measuring progress (using the Success Score and KPI Worksheet)

    • Reporting to the organization's Executives

By offering ManageHub services there is always more value to drive because the Business Model Map provides an endless supply of high-value initiatives and there are always new people to engage and cultivate as future leaders.


How does a ManageHub engagement work?

Your ManageHub engagement follows the step-by-step approach outlined in the ManageHub Strategy book and is supported by a series of on-demand video workshops called the "Bootcamp."

The Bootcamp provides all the basic training your clients need to start using the ManageHub Strategy and its customizable tools.


The Bootcamp is non-technical, non-theoretical, and non-threatening. It is a step-by-step, learn-by-doing approach that drives value with every workshop.

The Bootcamps significantly reduce the time you (the "Pro") spend teaching basic concepts. Instead, you focus your time on answering questions, reviewing "homework," and advising the best next steps.

The following outlines a basic engagement protocol. As you will see, engagements begin by reviewing Bootcamp "homework" and customizing the ManageHub tools for your client's needs. However, the "Pro's" time quickly shifts to monitoring progress, and facilitating ManageHub "Accountability Meetings."

  1. You, the "Pro" use the "Triage Checklist" and "Roadmap to Excellence Worksheet" to identify clients who want your services and support.

  2. You, the "Pro" then refer your clients to join the ManageHub Bootcamp at $95 per month. They will receive access to the on-demand library of training videos, a license to use ManageHub's customizable tools, and access to online Zoom Q&A sessions.

  3. You, the "Pro" then begin guiding your client's implementation of the ManageHub Strategy's step-by-step approach. Your first step is to help your client select 2+ high performing employees who will serve as their organization's LEAN-Team members. The LEAN-Team will help you manage the organization's ManageHub implementation. You can think of the LEAN-Team members as a team of Integrators or project managers. The best candidates are likely from your client's frontlines who really want an opportunity to grow (Hungry, Humble, Smart.)

  4. You, the "Pro" then direct your client's LEAN-Team members (and any other employees who may benefit) to attend relevant Bootcamp sessions for basic training. This helps focus your time on coaching and support.

  5. You, the "Pro" then reviews Bootcamp assignments with your client's LEAN-Team members as they are completed:

    • Accountability Meeting Worksheet

    • The Business Model Map (BMM)

    • The Baldrige-based Management Systems Checklist

    • The Business Case Worksheet

    • The KPI Worksheet

    • The SOP Worksheet

    • And, other relevant ManageHub tools

  6. You, the "Pro" then help your client use the "Accountability Meeting Worksheet" to help manage STRATEGIC standup meetings:

    • You, the "Pro" help prepare LEAN-Team members, and/or the COO or CEO to run the meetings

    • You may attend the meetings, usually on mute, offering feedback during a 5 minute debrief that occurs after the meeting

    • Sometimes your client will have you run the meetings until they feel comfortable

  7. When your client is ready, you, the "Pro" help them use ManageHub's "Accountability Meeting Worksheet" to help manage OPERATIONS focused standup meetings:

    • You, the "Pro" help prepare LEAN-Team members or Department Managers to run the meetings

    • You may attend the meetings, usually on mute, offering feedback during a 5 minute debrief that occurs after the meeting

    • Sometimes your client will have you run the meetings until they feel comfortable

  8. You, the "Pro" work with LEAN-Team members to oversee their "Facilitated Management" role as explained in the ManageHub Strategy Book and Bootcamp

  9. You, the “Pro” also serve as a buffer between the LEAN-Team and the organization's Executives

  10. You, the "Pro" work with the CEO to monitor, report, adjust, and recognize progress

The length of your engagements varies with your client's size, complexity, and unique circumstances. However, you will likely work with your clients for one or more years because the value you provide often evolves beyond business optimization and turnaround.

Please contact me with more information

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Would you like to speak to Michael Kramer, author of the ManageHub Strategy Book and Bootcamp?


Complete the contact form to explore ways you can enhance your brand reputation and differentiate your firm from similar consultants.

  • Ongoing recurring monthly revenue in line with what you currently charge for coaching

  • Drive new value all the way down to the frontlines (“down to the plant floor”)

  • Deepen and broaden client relationships with employees at all levels (touch more people)

  • Maximize Client ROI in business improvement investment

Learn More About the "Lean Scale-Up" Performance Management System


“I always wondered how I could implement a lean management philosophy in my business. Now I know. Thank you!” 


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